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The Freedom of God Who Shows Mercy

April 26, 2015 Speaker: Clint Humfrey Series: Romans: The Letter By Which the Church Stands or Falls

Topic: Sermon Scripture: Romans 9:14–29

In an unjust society, people call out for justice. But people also wish to escape justice when it turns against them. People affirm the idea of being merciful. But they tend to be very jealous of anyone who enjoys a benefit, privilege or blessing that they don’t. So it is with the sinner’s view of God. The sinner demands that God be just with all that is wrong in the world, except the sinner. And the same person demands that God be merciful to no one else more than the sinner. Our jealousies show how little we care about the overwhelming expression of mercy by God in Christ at the cross. No wonder we need the Spirit to open our eyes to see and believe the mercy and rightness of God in the gospel.

Though it is a passage most famous for discussing predestination, what is overlooked is the whole passage is an exposition of God’s mercy--- his free choices to refrain from rightful judgment.


  1. The Trial of God’s Mercy: Is God Unjust?
  2. The Transcendence of God’s Mercy: Is God Free?
  3. The Testing of God’s Mercy: Is God Faithful?
  4. The Telling of God’s Mercy: Does God Communicate?

More in Romans: The Letter By Which the Church Stands or Falls

September 6, 2015

A Letter For the Glory of God

August 30, 2015

The Gospel on Display

August 23, 2015

Missions, Money and Prayer