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The Revived City: Attention to God's Word in Mass Awakening

May 28, 2017 Speaker: Clint Humfrey Series: Revival: Seasons of Heaven on Earth

Topic: Sermon Scripture: Acts 8:4–25

Distraction is the mark of our age. We are distracted by the digital demands on our attention with every notification, ringtone, ping and pop-up. In all of our distraction, we miss the gravity of God's will for us, which he has revealed in his Word. But when someone hears that Word and heeds it, they pay attention to it like nothing else matters in the world. When at the same time a mass of people are attentive to the Word, rather than the world, we call that an awakening, a revival of attention to Word of God in the gospel of Christ. May it be so in our dark, distracted city.


  1. Awakening of the Word in the Dark City
  2. Attention to the Word in the Awakened City
  3. Accord in the Word for the Delivered City

More in Revival: Seasons of Heaven on Earth

June 4, 2017

The Revived Heart: Soul Irrigation By The Holy Spirit

May 19, 2017

The Reviving Beauty of Hope

May 14, 2017

Revived Life: When New Birth Beats Old Death