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Posts Tagged with "Culture"

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Alberta's Attack on Truth in Education, and the Church's Response

A post linking to an article at the TGC Canada website responding to recent disturbing developments in Alberta education....

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Do Not Follow the Way of This People

I read the news. I listen to talk radio. I follow political and cultural commentators on Twitter as well as pastors and theologians. I listen to The Briefing by Dr. Mohler online at least a couple times a week. I know I'm not alone at Calvary Grace....

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When Washrooms Are Weaponized

Washrooms have been weaponized in the culture war over sexuality and gender....

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The Grand Design

Calvary Grace Church pastor & elder Gavin Peacock has co-written a book with the President of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, Owen Strachan, titled "The Grand Design." ...

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The Revolution in Sexual Affairs

Our culture is witnessing a new "revolution in sexual affairs," but these new understandings of gender and rights are terrible for women in particular. I explain why in this new article at CBMW and point to a better alternative....

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Applying the Doctrine of the Remnant in a Pagan World

Over the past couple hundred years, living as an evangelical Christian in the West has been relatively easy, compared to the experience of many of our brothers and sisters throughout history, or even in other parts of the world. However, indications in our culture suggest that this time of respite for the Church in the West may be coming to an end. Therefore, my motivation...

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We’re Not the Moral Majority

Anyone paying attention to American news reports over the last month or so will have heard of the “wedding cake controversy.” As background, earlier this year the state legislature of Indiana passed a law, modeled on a federal law signed by President Clinton, which laid out a process for courts to determine if government action and regulation imposes an undue burden on...

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Biblical Manhood and Womanhood is Good

It seems that recent tweets I made about biblical manhood, womanhood and marriage have gained attention in the UK. Several national newspapers picked up these tweets and there was reaction from both Christians and non-Christians. Some people were very upset; others were very encouraged. ...

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Ashamed of Ridicule

A little ‘pagan ridicule’ should not send us running away from faith in the resurrection of our savior. Of course we look at the Bible’s testimony about the resurrection and we see evidences that show the trustworthiness of the testimony (e.g. the sealed, soldier guarded tomb was empty, no cover-up concerning women as early witnesses, the eyewitness encounters of div...

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The Neglected Child and the Disappearance of Theology

n the early winter of 1997, I spent a few minutes in the office of theologian David Wells, picking his brain about the history of 20th-century evangelicalism. He graciously and patiently answered my questions then handed me a little booklet called The Bleeding of the Evangelical Church....

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About Turn: An Anatomy of Gospel Repentance

A couple weeks ago, we were breaking down Mark’s description of the beginning of Jesus’ ministry in Mark 1:14 and 15. Jesus began his preaching with an inidicative, a statement of fact, declaring what is. He said, “The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom is at hand.” After the indicative, though, he follows it up with an imperative, a command, declaring what his hea...

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The God Who Dares Be King: The Uncomfortable Implication of Jesus?

The Kingdom of God is a central theme of Jesus’ preaching. In Christian circles, we can become a little deadened to the true weight of this idea. We need to ask, and really consider, this question: what is a kingdom? It’s a place or a realm that is ruled by a king. Canada is, legally, a kingdom, because we are ruled by a king or queen. The United States is not ...

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